In 2004, some nature-loving, hiking young Transylvanian Hungarians started organizing as a group in 2004 as part of their shared hobby. It is not a hidden fact that they also tried to lure others out into nature and make them get to know and even love the Transylvanian landscape.
In 2004, they took part in the Hungarian Agricultural Higher Education Survival Tour (MATT) in Szentgotthárd, Hungary, which was organized by the Hungarian Agricultural Higher Education Hiking Association (MATE). Here, while getting to know the organizers, the idea of organizing a sister event in Romania was born.
In 2005, this small group decided that they wanted to pursue their hobby at a professional level, so they registered the Romanian Youth Tourism and Hiking Association (RITTE), which was established as a partner organization of the Hungarian MATE. The young people accumulated success after success, organized an international camp through a survival tour, in addition to many other interesting nature-friendly events.
The international youth camp called “Regional Camp of Youth Organizations” was born, which for the first time boasted 80 participants.
“Intercultural Bridges in Europe” is actually an improved version of the RCYO international camp that started in 2007, with intercultural and minority programs added.
A többszörös pozitív visszajelzések, és az egyre növekvő igény miatt elindítottuk az “Intercultural Winter Refresh” nemzetközi téli tábort, melyet két éves rendszereséggel tervezünk megszervezni.
In the course of 2012, several creative volunteers joined the association. Many new ideas were discussed, until finally the expansion led to the reorganization of the association.
In 2013, with a new portfolio and a renewed, growing team, the association aimed to continue the old events and implement new projects. Considering the expansion of the portfolio, we also changed the name of our association a little.
Our association, which operates with its headquarters in Marosvásárhely and targets a regional target audience, considers the fate of its hometown and region to be a matter of its heart. Based on this, supporting young people and not neglecting children, we want to develop our activities in the field of tourism, hiking, environmental protection and sports in the spirit of culture and interculturality, because we want to show our young people the treasure that surrounds us, creates and in which we live Staying true to our roots, we carry out our work with our religious values in mind, and in order to increase its efficiency, we have also put the production of media products under our banner. As a shrinking community in Transylvania, we also want to support our minority with legal advice, paying particular attention to our health and education. For the sake of our fresh information, we also deal with research and book publishing. The engine of our association is the voluntary workforce, which we popularize in a new form. Our goal is efficient and professional work, which is why our portfolio is divided into departments: the tourism department, the culture department, the education department, and the media department develops its activities together with the research institute under the banner of our association.
WebPályázat, launched in the spring of 2014, is a project that supports the activities of civil organizations, targeting website hosting vital for advertising and marketing needs. Civil organizations with legal personality, student organizations, student councils, and religious organizations can apply for support. Legally unregistered organizations operating within the framework of educational institutions or church institutions can only apply with a letter of recommendation from their institutions, authenticated with a seal,
Due to the increased number of wild animals in Romania, an emergency situation arose that the XX. After the survival tour, in order to ensure the safety of the participants, we suspended the organization of the event for an indefinite period.
we received an honorary invitation, so some of our members participated in a Hungarian folk tradition camp abroad, where we also got to know some members of the Hungarian Scout Association. Our members were no strangers to folk dance, folk song, archery, and handicrafts since 2007, and since 2013 we have been holding active activities. Upon returning home, the team made the decision to search for, learn and deepen Hungarian folk traditions, folk customs, local values, to keep our heritage alive, pass it on and popularize it among the next generations. That’s when we decided to ignore all our other activities and specialize in regaling.
The Elf Workshops became thematic, we started to color the activities with sparks of Hungarian tradition, motifs and songs from different regions. Thus, instead of the handicraft activities, they received: wood carving, basket weaving, spinning, embroidery, beading, felting. The activities of the younger ones included the coloring of folk motifs and the projection of Hungarian folk tales. We put together new outdoor programs for the older ones, and bought bows and meta equipment from a tender.
These changes resulted in increased interest in our activities. We received more and more invitations to the nearby Hungarian-speaking villages and villages. During our surveys, we found that several local NGOs specialize in specific parts of our folk tradition, such as folk dance and handicrafts. However, neither at the local nor at the regional level have we found an organization that would study regaling, would strive to learn the branches of our folk tradition, and whose target group would also target the amateur class.
After the handicraft activities, we started to embrace the folk dance. With the support of the House of Traditions and the Gábor Bethlen Fund, we organized the first “Maros Dance Meeting” in 2018 in the hall of the Maros Artists’ Group. We managed to bring 14 dance groups to the stage, a total of nearly 150 young people with dancing feet.
This is our event at the “IX. It ended as the opening event of the “Days of Székelyföld” gala in Marosvásárhely (programme book page 57), when the foyer of the national theater in Marosvásárhely was almost completely filled with dancing young people.
Slowly, more than 6 years of hard work and more than 8 years of active scouting have borne fruit. Thus, on March 15, 2023, with the support of the Hungarian Scout Association in Romania, we started the re-establishment of György Bernády scout troop No. 97 in Marosvásárhely, whose initial 43 members are all active RITTE Association members, or more precisely, 4 qualified scout leaders, 1 scout and 38 recruits was standing
Asociația RITTE
540569, str. Rodniciei, nr. 31/13
Tîrgu Mureș, jud. Mureș
Tel.: +40-726-26.31.47
Email: office[a]ritte.ro
540036, Bartók Béla utca, 4 szám
Marosvásárhely, Maros megye
Tel.: +40-726-26.31.47
Email: office[a]ritte.ro